Sunday 10 March 2013

Spongebob Squarepants Cake.

Whooooo lives in a pineapple under the sea..spongebob squarepants! chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting.. sape minat sila hubungi saya k! xx

Monday 4 March 2013

Russian Black & White cake.. me likey!!!

russian black & white cake.. 4 layers of chocolate cake, filled with chocolate ganache & coffee flavored cream cheese & mascarpone cheese mixture.. topped with a layer of cream cheese and chocolate glaze.. heavenly delicious :) sape2 yg hantu cheese & chocolate sila la order, mmg sodap hiks..harga kek ni, 9" RM100, 6" RM75

I heart cupcakes!

 Cookies & cream cupcakes with a lovely suprise... cute eh? :P